Web3Infrastructure for Games

Altura provides everything you need to integrate Web3 in a simple yet powerful platform.

Altura Graphic
Altura provides everything you need to integrate Web3 into your game in a simple yet powerful platform.So you can focus on what matters most — building your game.
Build with simple, powerful API and SDKsMint, integrate, update, and transfer NFTs in-game, for free, no registration required.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 const user = await altura.getUser("0xcaf45074fc329692995d812aeb099070c7fdee2b"); const response = await user.getItems( {}, // default options { collectionAddress: "0xdb0047cb1dfc44696f6e9868ef6bb40000280b05" } ) const users_items = response.items;
Concise, easy-to-read documentation.Skip Solidity, Web3.js, Hardhat, The Graph, IPFS, Supernode, and go straight to Altura.
Integrate Smart NFTs in your gameSmart NFT technology allows you to update NFTs instantly, for free.
Using Altura, you can build on any chain.
Scale with our commmunity & marketplacePromote your next hit to a community of thousands of gamers and list your NFTs on Altura’s marketplace where they buy, sell and trade every day.
Profit with safety and securityAltura’s built in authentication tools secure your NFT economy, simplify user enrollment, and instill trust with your playerbase.
Altura guard
Secure wallet generation
On-chain lootboxes
Recent Blog Posts
Stake nowStake and earn 15% APY on your ALU
For PlayersStart trading on the Altura Marketplace